English as a Passport: Ideas, Options, and Approaches (English is a Passport to Privilege and is Needed for Survival)


This book, English as a Passport: Ideas, Options, and Approaches offers lessons that focus on enhancing the language skills needed in comprehending other subjects-related and understanding of writing CV, cover letter, and formal E-mail. The multi-level series for students who need English for professional communication.

  • Equip learners with the language skills and cultural awareness effectively with colleagues, clients, and other stakeholders.
  • Convey the working world into the classroom with authentic material from companies within the various professional industries.
  • Shape the confidence in working in English with effective communication strategies for workplace situations such as giving advice, taking bookings, dealing with complaints, and have proper presentation skills.
  • Cultivate language awareness through an integrated syllabus that focuses on the key grammar, skills, vocabulary, and pronunciation essential to the professional communication.


Penulis   : Ikrar Genidal Riadil, S.Pd., B.SEd., M.A

Editor     : Dr. Rahmat Fadhli, Ed.M.

Halaman: x + 155 hlm

Ukuran   : 15.5 cm x 23 cm


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